When a company has decades of experience working in a particular field, customers can count on getting the best possible service. When it comes to a commitment to customers and the services provided them, Safety Resourcing leads the way. With its experience working with leading oil and gas companies, Safety Resourcing is skilled in corporate management positions regarding health, safety and environmental issues. Also experienced in dealing with contractor safety positions throughout North America, the company is an industry leader in dealing with all issues facing energy companies.

With a unique knowledge of what is expected from clients as well as contractors, Safety Resourcing has positioned itself as a company with field experience unmatched by any other. From providing safety and environmental support services in Afghanistan with NATO combat units to working with companies in areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina, Safety Resourcing has shown it possesses the professional, consistent and timely service needed by companies and contractors during times of crisis. Their service has been so outstanding they receive calls from contractors who have been directed to them by their customers, indicating the high level of service they are known for providing.

Understanding the various pressures small businesses face in today's highly-competitive business world, Safety Resourcing again leads the way in helping their customers. As businesses deal with more and more government regulations regarding insurance and other benefits, they need a company that is able to understand these issues and has the patience and knowledge to handle any situation that may arise. As a global company, Safety Resourcing continues to help small businesses in Canada, Australia and the United States learn how to become qualified to work with major oil and gas companies.

Specializing in helping clients become compliant with safety regulations, the company is capable of getting clients what they need when they need it. When clients the world over need safety programs in a hurry, Safety Resourcing is whom they turn to for assistance. Even when a company has not had the time to research the necessary requirements for its situation, Safety Resourcing is able to meet the challenge. By performing a gap analysis to find the correct safety programs for each client, they can then submit the programs for approval. Often, the programs are 100 percent approved on the first submittal, making the clients happy and confident they made the right decision by trusting Safety Resourcing with all their regulatory needs. 

As a member of the National Association of Safety Professionals and the American Society of Safety Engineers, Safety Resourcing is the most trusted place worldwide when it comes to purchasing safety programs for a business. Offering standard safety programs for Canadian, Australian and American companies makes Safety Resourcing the most trusted and reliable source of safety and compliance programs throughout the world. Companies needing this valuable service to gain or attain proper certification for different jobs also needs to look to Safety Resourcing for help in deciding what program or programs best fit their needs. By working together, both come out on the winning side.
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