Veriforce® Safety Programs
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Combine our proven safety programs (the wagon wheel spokes) with this core safety and health management system (the wagon wheel hub) for a proven winner to help secure bids and meet OSHA expectations for a safety program document. Includes 18001 Compliant Based Safety Management System, Site Specific Safety Plan Template, Managers Guide to Safety and many forms including BBS Observation Form, Field Level Risk Assessment (FLRA) Form, Job Safety Assessment (JSA) Form, PPE Hazard Assessment Form.
Save time and unit cost with FREE SPE V2 document updates as needed! Why pay $30 per program? Pay less than $13 each and all programs will pass - guaranteed! Downloads via an email message you receive with a zip file of all Word documents. Click to see all programs included in this great bundle.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Abrasive Blasting SPE V2 program is to provide safe guidelines for the operation and maintenance of abrasive blasting equipment and their related components.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Access to Medical Records SPE V2 procedure is to insure right of access to relevant exposure and medical records to employees and/or their designated representatives.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Asbestos Awareness SPE V2 program is to provide awareness of the hazards of working in areas where employees may potentially be exposed to asbestos.
This Veriforce® Asbestos Abatement SPE V2 program is to provide basic precautions and protections for employees to avoid exposure to asbestos containing material.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Assured Grounding / GFCI SPE V2 safety program is to provide procedures and guidelines to eliminate all injuries resulting from possible malfunctions, improper grounding and/or defective electrical tools.
The purpose of this Behavior Based Safety SPE V2 program for Veriforce® is to provide an initiative for an education and observation process used to improve safety and reduce risk in the workplace.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Benzene SPE V2 program is to define work practices, administrative procedures and engineering controls to protect employees exposed to benzene concentrations above the action level.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Benzene Awareness SPE V2 program is to address the hazards of working with benzene for employees who do not utilize benzene in the performance of their duties but have potential to be exposed to benzene.
This Veriforce® Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan SPE V2 safety program has been established to ensure a safe and healthful working environment and act as a performance standard for all employees. This program applies to all occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials.
The purpose of this CAL OSHA Confined Space SPE V2 for Veriforce® program is to ensure the safety of all employees and contractors and to address the hazards of working in confined spaces under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this CAL OSHA Electric Welding SPE V2 for Veriforce® program is to address the hazards of electrical welding under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this CAL OSHA Excavation and Trenching SPE V2 for Veriforce® program is to address the hazards of working in excavations and trenching under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this CAL OSHA Fall Protection SPE V2 for Veriforce® program is to address the hazards of falls and fall protection when working under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this CAL OSHA Gas Welding SPE V2 for Veriforce® program is to address the hazards of gas welding under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this CAL OSHA Hazard Communication SPE V2 for Veriforce® program to address the requirements while working under the authority of the state of California in order to ensure the safe use of hazardous chemical substances.
This CAL OSHA Heat Illness Prevention SPE V2 for Veriforce® program is designed to reduce the risk of work-related heat illnesses working under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this Veriforce® CAL OSHA High Voltage SPE V2 program is to address the hazards working with high voltage electrical equipment for employees and contractors when working under the authority of the state of California.
This Veriforce® CAL OSHA Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) SPE V2 is to address safe working requirements while working under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this CAL OSHA Low Voltage Electrical / SPE V2 for Veriforce® program is to address the hazards working with low voltage electrical equipment for employees and contractors when working under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this CAL OSHA Rigging SPE V2 safety program is to address the requirements while working under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this CAL OSHA Scaffold SPE V2 for Veriforce® program is to address scaffold requirements while working under the authority of the state of California.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Cold Weather SPE V2 procedure is to address the hazards of working in cold weather environments.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Compressed Air SPE V2 written program is to address the hazards of working with compressed air.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Compressed Gas Cylinders SPE V2 program is to prevent injury from failing or failure of compressed gas cylinders and to establish requirements for handling, lifting and storing compressed gas cylinders safely.
The purpose of this Veriforce® SPE V2 Confined Space safety program is to ensure the safety of all employees and contractors working and to comply with all regulations and host clients that pertain to confined spaces.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Crane Offshore SPE V2 program is to address the hazards of operating cranes in an offshore environment.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Crane (Onshore) SPE V2 program is to outline the procedures for safe operations and the training requirements regarding crane and lifting devices, including all rigging is designed, constructed, installed, maintained and operated to perform safely.
The purpose of this Crane Crawler Locomotive and Truck Crane program for Veriforce® SPE V2 is to address the hazards of working with crawler locomotive and truck cranes.
This Crane Hoisting Inspection - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to address hoisting inspection.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Crane Overhead and Gantry SPE V2 program to address the hazards of working with overhead and gantry cranes.
The purpose of this Veriforce® SPE V2 Disciplinary Program is to establish a firm but fair disciplinary action policy to enforce the safety system.
The purpose of this Driving Safety for Veriforce® SPE V2 program is to address the hazards of driving owned and leased vehicles.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Electrical SPE V2 safety program is to set forth procedures for the safe use of electrical equipment, tools, and appliances.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Electrical Awareness Non Qualified SPE V2 program is to address electrical hazards to non-qualified electrical workers.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Emergency Action Plan SPE V2 document is to ensure each work location shall have a written plan appropriate to the hazards of the specific work location in order to respond to an emergency that may require rescue or evacuation.
The purpose of this Environmental Sustainability SPE V2 program for Veriforce® is to address the required guidance for environmental practices.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Excavation & Trenching SPE V2 program is to protect employees from safety hazards that may be encountered during work in trenches and excavations.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Fall Protection SPE V2 program is to provide fall protection procedures to prevent injury to employees while performing work assignments at elevated levels.
The purpose of this Fatigue Management Veriforce® SPE V2 program is to address fatigue on the workplace and how to reduce the associated hazards.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Fire Protection SPE V2 program is to provide fire extinguisher procedures to ensure equipment is operable and employees have the knowledge to safely operate in case of a fire incident.
The purpose of this Veriforce® First Aid SPE V2 program is to establish the minimum first aid supplies, equipment and actions to properly respond to injuries.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Noise Awareness SPE V2 written program is to address the hazards of utilizing or storing flammable liquids.
The purpose of this Veriforce® General Waste Management SPE V2 plan is to provide guidance and requirements necessary for efficient, effective and compliant waste management during construction and operations.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Hand and Power Tools SPE V2 program is to provide establish requirements for the safe operation of hand and power tools and other portable tools, including proper guarding.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Hazard Communications SPE V2 program is to ensure the safe use of hazardous chemical substances.
The purpose of this Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Veriforce® SPE V2 program is to ensure potential hazards of new processes and materials are identified before they are introduced into the workplace.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Hazardous Gas SPE V2 program is to address the hazards of working with hazardous gases.
This Hazardous Waste - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to provide guidance and requirements necessary as related to transmission, distribution and generation.
This Veriforce® HAZWOPER SPE V2 requirement covers emergency and post-emergency response operations standards, to include training for personnel responding to releases or substantial threats of releases chemical or petroleum products without regard to the location of the hazard.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Hearing Conservation Noise Exposure SPE V2 program is to provide a process to minimize employee-hearing loss caused by excessive occupational exposure to noise.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Heat Stress and Prevention SPE V2 program is to to address the hazards of working in warm and hot environments.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Hot Work (Welding, Cutting, Brazing) SPE V2 program is to assure a safe work environment during welding, cutting and hot work operations.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Housekeeping - Sanitation SPE V2 written program is to address housekeeping and sanitation requirements.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) SPE V2 program is to establish minimum requirements for site specific H2S safety, which will enhance safety in the occupational setting where hydrogen sulfide is present or is recognized as being potentially present.
The purpose of this Incident Investigations Veriforce® SPE V2 program is address incident investigations and procedures to reduce or eliminate reoccurrences of incidents.
The purpose of this Injury and Illness Recordkeeping SPE V2 program for Veriforce® is to addresses injury and illness recordkeeping per Veriforce® requirements.
The purpose of this Veriforce® JSA SPE V2 written program is to identify work related hazards via a JSA (Job Safety Analysis).
The purpose of this Veriforce® Ladders SPE V2 program is to prescribe rules and establish minimum requirements for the construction, care, and use of the common types of ladders.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Lead Abatement and Removal SPE V2 procedure is to address the hazards of working with lead during abatement and/or removal work.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Lead Awareness SPE V2 procedure is to address where employees whose work activities may contact lead containing materials but do not disturb the material during their work activities.
This Lockout Tagout - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to establish procedures for affixing appropriate lockout/tagout equipment to energy isolating devices and to otherwise disable machines or equipment to prevent unexpected energization, start up or release of stored energy to prevent injury or incident.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Lockout/Tagout SPE V2 program is to establish procedures for affixing appropriate lockout/tagout equipment to energy isolating devices and to otherwise disable machines or equipment to prevent unexpected energization, start up or release of stored energy to prevent injury or incident.
This Machine Guarding - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to provide requirements for the safe operation of machines and related guarding requirements to prevent injuries.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Machine Guarding SPE v2 written program is to provide establish requirements for the safe operation of machines and related guarding requirements to prevent injuries.
The purpose of this Management of Change for Veriforce® SPE V2 procedure is to assure an appropriate review occurs before process and structural changes are made to facilities, processes, and equipment.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Manual Lifting SPE V2 procedure is to address the hazards of manual lifting.
This Veriforce® Mobile Equipment safety program is to provide directives to managers, supervisors, and employees about their responsibilities in the operations and management of mobile equipment.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Noise Awareness SPE V2 written program is to address the hazards of working in environments with high noise levels.
The purpose of this Non-DOT Drug and Alcohol SPE V2 for Veriforce® is to provide a drug and alcohol procedure acceptable to Veriforce clients.
This Operator Certifications & Record Retention - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to address operator certifications and record retention as related to transmission, distribution and generation.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Pandemic Preparedness SPE V2 program is to address business continuity, education and employee support during a pandemic.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Personal Protective Equipment SPE V2 program is to set forth the procedures for the use, care, and maintenance of personal protective equipment required to be used by employees for the prevention of injuries.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Powered Industrial Trucks (Forklifts) / SPE V2 program is to establish requirements for the safe operation and use of Powered Industrial Trucks.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Powered Platforms SPE V2 program is to establish requirements for the safe operation and use of Powered Industrial Trucks.
The purpose of this Preventative Maintenance SPE V2 program for Veriforce® is to set forth the procedures for the tracking, care, and maintenance of equipment.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Process Safety Management SPE V2 document is to minimize the consequences of catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals in various industries.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Protection from Wildfire Smoke SPE V2 program is to address the hazards and protection of workers from smoke produced from wildfires.
This Qualified Signalman & Rigger - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® provides guidance for signalmen and riggers as related to transmission, distribution and generation.
The purpose of this Record Retention Protocol - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to describe the retention of relevant injury and medical records.
This Veriforce® Respiratory Protection SPE V2 compliant document is to provide a respirator protection program that meets or exceeds all federal standards.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Return to Work SPE v2 written program is to to return employees to meaningful, productive temporary employment following injury or illness until their health care provider releases them to full duty.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Rigging (Offshore) SPE V2 program is to address the hazards of rigging in the offshore environment.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Rigging Material Handling SPE V2 program is to ensure a safe and incident free lifting operation.
The purpose of this Risk Assessment SPE V2 program for Veriforce® is to address and describe the processes for risk assessments per Veriforce® requirements.
This Safety Training Program - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to describe the safety training requirements as related to transmission, distribution, and generation specifications.
This Safety Watch, Checker or Spotter Rules - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to address the roles and responsibilities of the safety watch, checker, or spotter as related to transmission, distribution, and generation specifications.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Scaffolding SPE V2 program is to prevent injuries due to falls from elevated work areas and to ensure employees and contractors are able to inspect scaffolding materials and erected scaffolds.
The purpose of the Short Service Employee for Veriforce® SPE V2 program is to prevent work related injuries and illnesses to new hires and temporary workers.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Silica Awareness SPE V2 written program to address informing company employees of the hazards of respirable crystalline silica through silica awareness training.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Silica Exposure Control Plan (ECP) SPE V2 is to set out our approach to protecting workers from harmful exposure to respirable crystalline silica.
This Site Specific Safety Plan - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to address the needs of a site specific safety plan as related to transmission, distribution, and generation specifications.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Spill Prevention and Response SPE V2 plan is to document spill prevention and response requirements. Each work site will develop a spill prevention and response plan based on the requirements and template provided.
This Stop Work Authority (SWA) SPE V2 for Veriforce® is a process that involves a stop, notify, correct, and resume approach for the resolution of a perceived unsafe condition, act, error, omission, or lack of understanding that could result in an undesirable event.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Subcontractor Management SPE V2 program is to address the use of subcontractors.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Subpart O - Production SPE V2 program is to address the requirements of 30 CFR Part 250 Subpart O as related to Production.
The purpose of this Veriforce® Subpart O - Well Control SPE V2 program is to address the requirements of 30 CFR Part 250 Subpart O as related to Well Control.
This Traffic Safety (External) - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to address roadside traffic control as related to transmission, distribution, and generation specifications.
This Traffic Safety (Internal) - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to address internal traffic control plans on construction sites as related to transmission, distribution, and generation specifications.
This Veriforce® Water Survival Offshore Orientation SPE V2 safety program has been established to have a written program that addresses the requirements of API RP T1 (Orientation for First Time Offshore Personnel).
This Work Area Protection Program - Transmission, Distribution & Generation SPE v2 program for Veriforce® is to describe the elements of a work area protection program as related to transmission, distribution, and generation.